Bulleen units Doncaster residence Montmorency units 1 Kinglake mudbrick house Ivanhoe units rendering Warrandyte residence Montmorency units 2 Malvern appartments Eltham mudbrick residence


Essex Road Surrey Hills addition

    Anthony Stella Architects     have   been residential    architects    designing “one   off” homes   and multi unit   developments   for over 30  years. Below are   just a few  examples of our   residential design work. We   realise that if it is your own  home we are  designing your individuality and needs should be  paramount in the expression of your home and how it functions.  Please keep this in mind when viewing the photos below as these projects were designed for someone else who would have had very different needs.

Multi Unit developments are a somewhat different because you must work within very tight planning constraints and keep not only your Client but Council and the neighbours happy.

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